Cloisters is a very strong set of barristers. It has very knowledgeable and skilled employment barristers. Highly recommended for all levels of experience.
LEGAL 500 2023
About us
Cloisters is led by Martyn McLeish.
We are a highly-regarded and long-established set that advises on employment, discrimination & equality, personal injury, clinical negligence, commercial law, regulatory & public law, sport & entertainment with a reputation for delivering exceptional results.
We're renowned for our responsive, first-class client focus and we believe it's this combined with our technical excellence and commercial perspective that enables us to resolve the most complex legal problems for individuals and organisations of all sizes.
Many of our barristers are the undisputed leaders in their field and represent clients at every level up to the European Court. They consistently break new ground and shape policy through their pioneering work.
We act for both claimants and defendants in all practice areas. Our clients are broad and diverse ranging from the world's biggest law firms to in-house legal departments, trade unions, law centres, high street firms and many professional associations.
Other services we provide include mediation; training for solicitors, in-house legal departments, HR professionals, the judiciary, trade unions and politicians; and regular legal updates. We also undertake advisory work and deliver lectures in our specialist areas throughout the UK and Europe.
We are proud of the work that we do, our results and the standards that we set for ourselves.
Martyn McLeish
Commitment to our Profession
Cloisters is always at the forefront of professional developments and we are very proud of the fact that our barristers play leading roles in their professional associations. Our members make significant professional contributions to many organisations including the following:
Personal Injury Bar Association
Employment Law Bar Association
Industrial Law Society
Discrimination Law Association
Bar Council Conditional Fee Committee
Bar Standards Board
We also have a very long term commitment to pro bono work through services supplied via the Bar Pro Bono Unit and the Free Representation Unit.
Our Barristers
Our barristers are sole practitioners and are regulated by the Bar Standards Board. They provide services in accordance with the Code of Conduct governing barristers' work, which can be found in the BSB Handbook on the Bar Standards Board website, https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk. Some of our barristers also have foreign qualifications, which are indicated on their individual profiles.
You can find our barristers in the Barristers' Register by clicking here. This shows whether barrister has a current practising certificate and whether they have any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Bar Standards Board's website in accordance with their policy. Alternatively, you can contact the Bar Standards Board on 020 7611 1444 to ask about this (or e-mail ContactUs@BarStandardsBoard.org.uk).
Appoint Us
We're renowned for our unstuffy approach and responsive service and are committed to delivering the quality, down-to-earth client focus we have come to be recognised for. The services of our barristers can be obtained in the following ways:
Professional Client Access
Licensed Access (Bar Direct and Direct Professional Access)
Foreign Lawyers
Potential clients may seek a quotation for the legal services our barristers provide. Our friendly clerks are happy to give these on provision of sufficient information regarding the type, scale and urgency of the work required. We aim to provide you with a quote as soon as possible. We always seek to set out quotes clearly, but if you receive your quote and there is something you do not understand, please ask.
Barristers at Cloisters generally charge an hourly rate for advisory and drafting work on a private basis (where the client is not eligible for legal aid) or under a conditional fee agreement (“no win, no fee”). For hearings, settlement meetings and mediations, barristers usually charge a one-off ‘brief fee' (for preparation and the first day) and a ‘refresher' (a daily rate for subsequent days, if applicable), or sometimes a combination of brief/refresher and hourly rate. For more information, please contact the clerks on 0207 827 4000 or clerks@cloisters.com.
Timescales for a case or a piece of work may vary depending on factors such as a barrister's availability and workload, the type and complexity of the case, the completeness of the documents, the other side's approach and court or tribunal waiting times.
Public Access
If you are a member of the public, the Bar Standards Board's Public Access Guidance for Lay Clients is available here. This will help you to understand how the Public Access scheme works, and explains how you can use it to instruct some Cloisters barristers directly.
Please address all enquiries to the clerks on 0207 827 4000 or clerks@cloisters.com.
Cloisters is situated in the heart of London. In many cases, we are able to offer our conveniently arranged conferencing suite for the mediation, saving you and your client valuable time and expense.
The main entrance for visitors is on Elm Court. The conference suite is also accessed from Elm Court.