Links and resources
Here is a list of links to other sites you may find relevant. Cloisters is not responsible for content found on any external sites.
ABI (Association of British Insurers)
APIL (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers) - Professional Association
AvMA (Action Against Medical Accidents) - Non Governmental Organisation providing better patient safety and justice for people who have been affected by a medical accident
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute) - Case and Statute Law Site containing freely available information on the British and Irish legal systems, including extensive lists of judgments
Bar Pro Bono Unit - Pro Bono Organisation providing legal advice and representation to those who could not otherwise afford it
Chambers & Partners - Directories
CICAP (Criminal Injuries Compensation)
Civil Justice Council - Government Site Body which reviews the civil justice system
Commercial Bar Association - Professional Association for barristers practising in commercial law
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority - Courts, Circuits and Legal Aid
Data Protection Register - Government Site
ELA (Employment Lawyers Association) - Professional Association
ELBA (The Employment Law Bar Association) - Professional Association for barristers practising in employment law
European Court of Human Rights - International Courts and Tribunals Website of the ECHR in English and French
Free Representation Unit - Pro Bono Charity providing legal advice, case preparation and advocacy for those who could not otherwise afford it
Headway (The brain injury association)
Her Majesty's Court Service - Courts, Circuits and Legal Aid Website containing extensive information about the British court service
House of Lords judgments - Case and Statute Law
ILEX (Institute of Legal Executives)
International Labour Organisation - Non Governmental Organisation
JUSTICE - Non Governmental Organisation
Legal 500 - Directory
Legal Services Commission - Courts, Circuits and Legal Aid Website of the LSC which deals with all aspects of legal aid, and provides extensive advice to people in need of legal information, advice and support
Minority Rights Group - Non Governmental Organisations International charity working to secure the rights of minority groups and foster community relations
Office of Public Sector Information - Case and Statute Law Government website providing online access to UK legislation and other public sector information
PIBA (The Personal Injuries Bar Association) - Professional Association Website of the specialist association for barristers practising in personal injury law
PNBA (Professional Negligence Bar Association)
Solicitors' Pro Bono Group - Pro Bono
South Eastern Circuit - Courts, Circuits and Legal Aid
The Bar Council - Professional Associations Website of the professional organisation to which all barristers must belong
WLR Dailys - Case and Statute Law A free 24 hour service from the Royal Courts of Justice and European Court of Justice, bringing you the most important updates from the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal and all divisions of the High Court
The Law Society - Professional Associations Website of the professional organisation to which all solicitors must belong.