Call: 020 7827 4000
Email: clerks@cloisters.com
Main Entrance: Elm Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7AA
Deliveries: 1 Pump Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7AA, DX: LDE 452
Visitors, please find us using the map below:
Opening Hours
We are in the office between 08:30 and 18:30, from Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.
Outside these hours, if you leave a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible during the next working day.
If, however, you have an urgent matter, including the need to seek or defend an injunction, please get in contact with us on our out of hours number: 020 7827 4040.
Conference Suite
Our highly flexible accessible facilities are suitable for all kinds of conferences from small one to one meetings, through multi-party round-tables and meditations, to large seminars for up to 30 delegates.
All of our conference rooms have a hearing loop and WIFI, and we regularly organise video and telephone conferencing.
Our facilities are available for hire, for further details please email Olivia Banks.
Disabled Access and Parking
Our reception area and conference rooms are fully accessible from our main entrance in Elm Court. Solicitors and clients who have limited mobility can arrange for a parking space to be made available. Should you require a parking space please email the clerks with the registration details of the vehicle. If you have any other requirements please use the disability tab above.
If you have a disability and would like to inform us of this, please contact the office manager on: 020 7827 4041.