Rachel Chambers
Call: 2002
Rachel is an associate member of chambers and an Assistant Professor of Business Law at the University of Connecticut.
Rachel's academic specialism is business and human rights. She researches and teaches on corporate accountability mechanisms such as transnational tort litigation and laws mandating human rights disclosure and due diligence by corporations. She has worked as a consultant for organizations including the UN Global Compact, Amnesty International, the Corporate Justice Coalition, Transform Trade, and Inclusive Development International.
Rachel practised as a full-time member of Cloisters from 2003-2013, specialising in employment, discrimination and equality law. She appeared in the High Court, the Employment Appeal Tribunal, county courts and employment tribunals. In October 2013 Rachel stepped back from civil practice to concentrate on her academic career.
Co-Director, Teaching Business and Human Rights Forum
President, International Section, Academy of Legal Studies in Business
Member, International Studies Association
“Toward Corporate Group Accountability,” in Research Handbook on Corporate Liability (forthcoming, Edward Elgar, 2023) (with Virginia Harper Ho and Gerlinde Berger-Walliser)
“Judicial Remedy,” in Teaching Business and Human Rights 160 (Edward Elgar, 2023)
“Guiding Principle 3: General State Regulatory and Policy Functions,” in The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Commentary 28 (Edward Elgar, 2023) (with Anil Yilmaz Vastardis)
“Reimagining Corporate Accountability: Going Beyond Human Rights Due Diligence,” 18 New York University Journal of Law and Business 773 (2022) (with Jena Martin)
“United States: Potential Paths Forward after the Demise of the Alien Tort Statute,” in Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux: Key Developments in Selected Jurisdictions (Hart Publishing, 2022) (with Jena Martin)
“The Future of International Corporate Human Rights Litigation: A Transatlantic Comparison,” 58 American Business Law Journal 579 (2021) (with Gerlinde Berger-Walliser)
“Parent Company Direct Liability for Overseas Human Rights Violations: Lessons from the U.K. Supreme Court,” 42 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 519 (2021)
“Human Rights Disclosure and Due Diligence Laws: The Role of Regulatory Oversight in Ensuring Corporate Accountability,” 21 Chicago Journal of International Law 323 (2021) (with Anil Yilmaz Vastardis)
“Teaching Business and Human Rights During the Pandemic,” 6 Business and Human Rights Journal 135 (2021) (with Anthony Ewing and Meg Roggensack)
Transnational Corporations and Human Rights Overcoming Barriers to Judicial Remedy (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
“An Evaluation of Two Key Extraterritorial Techniques to Bring Human Rights Standards to Bear on Corporate Misconduct: Jurisdictional Dilemmas,” 14 Utrecht Law Review 22 (2018)
“Overcoming the Corporate Veil Challenge: Could Investment Law Inspire the Proposed Business and Human Rights Treaty?” 67 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 389 (2018) (with Anil Yilmaz Vastardis)
“The New EU Rules on Non-financial Reporting: Potential Impacts on Access to Remedy?” 1 Human Rights and International Legal Discourse 18 (2016) (with Anil Yilmaz Vastardis)
“The U.K. Context for Business and Human Rights” in Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights Impacts: New Expectations and Paradigms 301 (American Bar Association, 2014) (with Katherine Tyler)
“Is Home State Litigation the way to fill the Lacuna in Corporate Legal Accountability for Human Rights Violations Perpetrated in Host States?” 4(2) Journal of Comparative Law 133 (2009)
“The UN Human Rights Norms for Corporations: The Private Implications of Public International Law,” 6(3) Human Rights Law Review 447 (2006) (with David Kinley)
“The Unocal Settlement: Implications for the Developing Law on Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses,” 13(1) Human Rights Brief 14 (2005)
MA (Oxon), LLM by Research (Kent), PhD (Essex)
Allen Exhibitioner (Oxford); Major Scholar and Duke of Edinburgh Scholar (BVC)
Digby v East Cambridgeshire District Council [2007] IRLR 585 - on admissibility of evidence before the employment tribunal.
Palen v RKS Services [2007] All ER (D) 115 (Feb) - on s57A of the Employment Rightst Act 1996, the right to take time off to provide assistance to a dependant.
R (North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd and another) v Transport for London Times Law Reports 24/8/2005 - on the legality of TfL's decision to ban the advertising of holidays in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on London transport.