Rachel Barrett represents bereaved family of Robin Richards

Inquest Logo

Cloisters’ Rachel Barrett represents the bereaved family of Robin Richards, whose death has highlighted a lack of provision for people with Asperger’s Syndrome.

A two week jury inquest in Wells, Somerset has concluded that the issues which contributed to Robin taking his own life included communication; training; information sharing; discharge planning; care planning; and risk assessment. This represented the culmination of a 3 year campaign by Robin’s family to have Robin’s care by mental health services and the company that ran his residential placement investigated.

The Coroner agreed with the family’s representations that Prevention of Future Deaths reports should be made to prevent the same circumstances affecting others in Robin’s position. There will be a national report to the Department of Health around the lack of provision of suitable placements for people with Asperger’s. A report will also go to Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SOMPAR) for failing to provide evidence of action taken to rectify their failings relating to Robin’s death.

Further information can be found here and here.


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