Ms N Hubbard v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis


Declan O’Dempsey


Declan O'Dempsey is representing Nighat Hubbard MBE,  in her claim against the Metropolitan police.  She alleges that white colleagues were allowed to work on more complex investigations while she was not, and that male officers made discriminatory comments to her and other women.

The allegations date from between 2013 and 2014 and an employment judge has ruled that it would be “just and equitable” to hear her complaint after the police tried to argue that her claim had been presented too late.  The case has attracted press and media coverage as Detective Hubbard was awarded an MBE for her charity work and assisted the Met Police in recruiting BME persons to the police force.

Daily Mail coverage, Guardian, TImes

The case now goes to a full hearing in the Autumn at the Central London Employment Tribunals.



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