Simon Dyer KC

Call: 1987 Silk: 2017

Call 020 7827 4000


Mark Skipp -

William Parkhouse -


  • Clinical Negligence

  • Personal Injury

  • Inquests

  • Employment

"He doesn't get flustered in any way." "He is very wise and incredibly straight with his approach and advice." "Simon is really sound." "He does the really difficult cases really well." "He has a fabulous way about him." - Chambers & Partners 2025, Clinical Negligence

“Simon is an exceptional barrister who totally inspires confidence.” - Legal 500 2025, Clinical Negligence

"His drafting and advocacy are excellent, and he performs very well at RTMs. He can handle the most complex of cases." "Simon is responsive and organised in the delivery of advice. Simon is an extremely effective advocate." "He was very supportive, very responsive and very thoughtful. He's all about the detail." - Chambers & Partners 2024, Clinical Negligence

“Excellent in court, thorough and good at explaining matters to clients and getting the best out of experts.” - Legal 500 2024

"Simon is a very astute barrister. He is really able to get to the heart of complex issues in claims." "Simon has a good demeanour with clients and gives balanced advice that is technically strong and practical." "He is a down-to-earth and very effective advocate." - Chambers & Partners 2023

“Simon has a pragmatic, personable and empathic approach to clients whilst ensuring that experts are well-tested and the risks in a case are fully explored.” - Legal 500 2023

  • Simon Dyer KC is a specialist clinical negligence and personal injury silk. He has been instructed in numerous high value cases and is highly regarded by solicitors from leading firms. He conducts hearings, consultations and roundtable meetings and is adept at drafting complex pleadings, including extensive schedules and written advice.

    Simon is currently recommended in both Chambers & Partners and the Legal 500 for Clinical Negligence.

    Simon is highly commended by the legal directories as "An exceptionally good advocate and one of the sharpest cross-examiners at the Bar.” "His disarming style in joint settlement meetings and negotiations elicits praise from clients, and he is regularly instructed in multimillion-pound claims." "He puts clients at ease and is a phenomenal performer on his feet." "A strong and reliable silk who works through complex issues very well. He has a very good attention to detail and is very sympathetic when dealing with seriously injured clients." "He is calm and client-focused, and that makes a massive difference." “He frequently acts in challenging cases concerning child cerebral palsy and delayed diagnosis of cancer.” "Is highly skilled on the full range of medical law and has a particular focus on cases involving complex cerebral palsy and spinal injuries." "Renowned for his knowledge of spinal injury, obstetrics and cerebral palsy cases".

    Called to the Bar in 1987 Simon quickly developed a mixed common law practice including personal injury, employment and crime. He has 16 years’ experience as an advocate in criminal trials (approx. 200) defending in the most serious cases (including fraud) until his last criminal trial in 2003 (murder). He now presides over criminal trials sitting as a Crown Court Recorder. From 2003 he specialised in Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence cases and took silk in the civil category in 2017.

    Simon has appeared in the Court of Appeal (Criminal and Civil Divisions), the Administrative Court (formerly the Divisional Court), the High Court (King’s Bench and Chancery Divisions), the Companies Court, the Official Referees Court (now the Property and Business Court), the Employment Appeal Tribunal, the County Court, the Employment Tribunal and in the Coroner’s Court.

    Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury

    Simon has over 20 years’ experience (as a junior and in silk) of representing seriously injured claimants in the High Court where he regularly appears before Masters and High Court Judges. His recent cases include CXE v West Hertfordshire Hospitals [2024] KBD an £18.5m for a brain damaged child; settlement and approval one of the largest clinical negligence cases. AXM v Dr Ryan and East London NHS Foundation Trust [2025] KBD: a claim for suicide of a solicitor following delusional psychosis. Richards v CVM TAF Morgannwg University Health Board [2025] KBD [HHJ Harrison sitting as a s.9 Judge] approval of a liability split settlement for a child who suffered severe brain damage as the result of under treated asthma: the case proceeds on quantum. LAM v Kettering Hospital [2024] KBD £7m: settlement for child double amputee. North v Mileham [2022] QB : RTA case leading to serious injuries with multi-million pound settlement. For many years Simon acted for the NUM bringing hundreds of successful claims for miners injured at work. He has extensive experience of industrial disease cases (deafness, VWF and mesothelioma) as well as RTA work.


    Simon appeared for the families at the inquest into the Avonmouth Bridge Disaster securing an unlawful killing verdict from the Jury. He has acted for BUPA in deaths in care home cases as well as for the families in numerous cases involving deaths in hospitals.


    Simon has experience of appearing in the Employment Tribunal representing claimants in claims for unfair dismissal and redundancy. He appeared in the EAT in NUM v UK Coal PLC changing the law (see below).

    Appellate Cases

    His Court of Appeal Civil experience includes Hartman v South Essex Mental Health and Community Care NHS Trust (Moore v Welwyn Components Ltd) [Court of Appeal] [2005] PIQR 255 a leading authority on stress at work.

    His EAT work includes NUM v UK Coal PLC [2008] IRLR 4 where he appeared for the NUM in the litigation stemming from the closure of Ellington Colliery. He presented the winning argument that it was not part of an employer’s prerogative to close an enterprise without consultation with the unions. This involved unpicking a line of authority dating back to Vardy in 1993 and demonstrating to the EAT (Elias J) that the authorities were incompatible with Article 2 of Council Directive 98/59 EC2. The case changed the law and extended workers’ rights to consultation before collective redundancy.


    Simon studied Law at the University of Kent and then at the Inns of Court Law School. He was called to the Bar in 1987. Having completed a Commercial Pupillage at Harcourt Buildings and a Common Law Pupillage at Plowden Buildings, he became a tenant at Plowden before being invited to move to Cloisters in 2000.


    He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2017 and a Recorder in 2020.

  • AXM v Dr Ryan and East London NHS Foundation Trust [2025] KBD. Settled and approved claim for suicide of a solicitor following delusional psychosis.

    R v CVM TAF Morgannwg University Health Board [2025] KBD [HHJ Harrison sitting as a s.9 Judge] approval of a liability split settlement for a child who suffered severe brain damage as the result of under treated asthma. The case proceeds on quantum.

    CXE v West Hertfordshire Hospitals [2024] KBD [HHJ Sadiq sitting as a s.9 Judge] £18.5m approval and settlement for brain damaged child. One of the largest clinical negligence cases.

    LAM v Kettering Hospital [2024] KBD £7.6m settlement for child double amputee. 

    AB v University Hospitals Bristol [2022] QBD HHJ Berkeley (£2m approval for brain damaged child).

    Khan v Ashford and St Peter’s Hospital [2022] QBD Master Brown. High Value FAA approval.

    North v Mileham [2022] QB. RTA leading to multiple serious injuries.

    IO v Kettering General Hospital [2020] QBD Steyn J (£4m approval for a blind child)

    PMC v Imperial College Hospital [2020] QBD Chamberlain J. (£16m approval for child with cerebral palsy)

    Grace Davies v Sean Curry [2019] EWHC Master Eastman (addition of new parties post limitation).

    Thorburn v South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust [2017] QBD (HHJ Pearce), trial of claim for negligent knee surgery. Judgment available.

    Hearne v Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2016] QBD (HHJ Taylor). Trial of claim for stroke victim. Judgment available. 

    Sellar-Elliott v Howling (Sweeney J) QBD [2016] PIQR P13. Leading Authority/Guidance on evidential requirements in interim payment applications.

    ABC v Kettering Hospitals NHS Trust [2015] (Davies J) QB. High value approval.

    Tresidder v Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust [2015] EWHC 1262 (HHJ Taylor) (QB). Trial for C who suffered undiagnosed scoliosis as a child.

    NUM v UK Coal PLC [2008] IRLR 4. Claim for collective redundancy on behalf of Ellington Miners. Changed the law in the EAT.

    Khudados v Hayden [Court of Appeal] [2008] C.P. Rep 12.

    Hickman v Blake Lapthorn [2006] PNLR 20 negligence claim for under settling PI claim, against solicitor and counsel.

    Hartman v South Essex Mental Health and Community Care NHS Trust [Court Of Appeal] [2005] PIQR 255. A leading authority on stress at work claims. Millward v Oxfordshire CC [2004] EWHC 445 (QB). Stress at work.

    Farrell v Southmead Health Authority [2001] Lloyd's Rep Med 458. Nervous shock claim for father who was mistakenly handed a dead baby (not his – his was alive). HHJ Bursell KC.

  • Appointed KC

    Appointed a Recorder

  • Chambers & Partners 2025: (Clinical Negligence) "He doesn't get flustered in any way." "He is very wise and incredibly straight with his approach and advice." "Simon is really sound." "He does the really difficult cases really well." "He has a fabulous way about him."

    Legal 500 2025: (Clinical Negligence) “Simon is an exceptional barrister who totally inspires confidence. He is such a safe pair of hands and is reassuringly unflustered.”

    Chambers & Partners 2024: (Clinical Negligence) "His drafting and advocacy are excellent, and he performs very well at RTMs. He can handle the most complex of cases." "Simon is responsive and organised in the delivery of advice. Simon is an extremely effective advocate." "He was very supportive, very responsive and very thoughtful. He's all about the detail."

    Legal 500 2024: “Excellent in court, thorough and good at explaining matters to clients and getting the best out of experts.”

    Chambers & Partners 2023: "Simon is a very astute barrister. He is really able to get to the heart of complex issues in claims." "Simon has a good demeanour with clients and gives balanced advice that is technically strong and practical." "He is a down-to-earth and very effective advocate."

    Legal 500 2023: “Simon has a pragmatic, personable and empathic approach to clients whilst ensuring that experts are well-tested and the risks in a case are fully explored.”

    Chambers & Partners 2022: "A nimble and strong advocate." "He sticks to his advice, fights hard for clients and is a pleasure to work with." "He is really knowledgeable in his area."

    Legal 500 2022: "A silk of very sound judgement, who is excellent with clients and experts."

    Chambers & Partners 2021: "Simon is extremely thorough and has amazing attention to detail. He is well organised and responsive, as well as very calm and reassuring with clients."

    Legal 500 2021: “An excellent trial advocate”, has an “excellent manner with clients and is able to explain complex matters and instils trust” and is a “highly eloquent, unflappable negotiator.”

    Chambers & Partners 2020: "A strong and reliable silk who works through complex issues very well. He has a very good attention to detail and is very sympathetic when dealing with seriously injured clients." "He is just so calm and client-focused, and that makes a massive difference." "An exceptionally good advocate and one of the sharpest cross-examiners at the Bar."

    Chambers & Partners 2019: "Focuses on personal injury and clinical negligence for claimants who have suffered catastrophic injuries. He is regularly instructed in multi-million pound claims and elicits praise for his proficiency in joint settlement meetings." "He is very strong technically while also having a very good manner with clients." "A leading junior who is highly skilled in the full range of medical law, with a particular focus on cases involving complex cerebral palsy and spinal injuries. He primarily represents claimants." "He always shows good judgement and he inevitably secures good results at settlement meetings." "He is good in dealing with experts in conference and he has excellent client-care skills." “A leading silk who is highly skilled in the full range of medical law, with particular focus on cases involving complex cerebral palsy and spinal injuries. “He always shows good judgement and he inevitably secures good results at settlement meetings.”

    Chambers & Partners 2018: "A leading junior who is highly skilled on the full range of medical law, and has a particular focus on cases involving complex cerebral palsy and spinal injuries. He primarily represents claimants." “Charming and puts clients at ease.” “Renowned for his attention to details and extensive knowledge of the case law and issues relating to clinical negligence.”

    Chambers & Partners 2017: "Is highly skilled on the full range of medical law and has a particular focus on cases involving complex cerebral palsy and spinal injuries." "Hugely experienced barrister who is excellent with clients." "Focuses on personal injury and clinical negligence for claimants who have suffered catastrophic injuries. His disarming style in joint settlement meetings and negotiations elicits praise from clients, and he is regularly instructed in multimillion-pound claims." "He puts clients at ease and is a phenomenal performer on his feet." "A go-to guy for high-value claims.

    Legal 500 2017: "An excellent advocate, who is very experienced.”

    Chambers & Partners 2016: "He has excellent technical skills, coupled with a superb manner with clients."

    Legal 500 2016: "An extremely good advocate and a quick thinker.”

    Chambers & Partners 2015: "Renowned for his knowledge of spinal injury, obstetrics and cerebral palsy cases". "His advocacy style is subtle, courteous and very effective; he is nimble but sure-footed when put in tight corners. He is very engaging and persuasive in settlement meetings." "Practical and objective in his advice. He has a very good style when dealing with clients and opponents.”

    Chambers & Partners 2014: "An in-demand junior with over 25 years' experience at the Bar, who has an ever-increasing focus on representing claimants in substantial clinical negligence cases. He frequently acts as sole counsel against silks in challenging cases concerning child cerebral palsy and delayed diagnosis of cancer." "He has good attention to detail and is a tenacious negotiator, as well as being approachable and down to earth with clients." "He's a pleasure to work with. He has excellent technical skills, coupled with a superb manner with clients."

    Legal 500 2014: “Dyer wins the full backing of the market.”

  • Silk




  • Invited Speaker AVMA Specialist Panel Solicitor Meeting Re: the Court of Appeal Case of Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and Independent Evaluation as a method of ADR in Clinical Negligence Cases 1st December 2023

    Invited Speaker at PIBA 2017 annual conference

    Invited Speaker AvMA Best Practice in Quantum Conference 22nd November 2016

    Invited Chairman and speaker at the AvMA's Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury Cases conference on 11th February 2015

    Qualified Mediator

    Chapter Contributor (Causation) to Clinical Negligence: A Practical Guide (7th Edition) by Charles Lewis and Andrew Buchan 2012.

    LNTV invited speaker on cosmetic surgery litigation Programme 5479 2009

    Cloisters Annual Lecture : Spinal Injuries October 2009

    Invited Speaker “Causation in Cancer Cases” at AVMAs Oncology Conference 4th December 2008.

    Chair of the AVMA Essential Medicine in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Conference February 2007.

    Invited speaker to the Welsh Assembly Government's Healthy Workforce Conference 29th September 2005.

    Keynote speaker at the Welsh Assembly Government's Healthy Workforce Conference September 2004.

    Speaker at the AVMA Oncology and Clinical Negligence Conference 29th March 2004 on Provisional Damages and Periodical Payments in Cancer Cases

    Author of “Gross Negligence Manslaughter” an article in Clinical Risk January 2004

    Author of article in Clinical Risk May 2002 entitled “Claims for Psychiatric Injury Caused by Hospital Misinformation”.

  • BA Hons (Law) Kent University

    Bar Examination at the Inns of Court School of Law


William Latimer-Sayer KC


Schona Jolly KC